Guaranteed MONEY Hidden in Trump’s NEW Plan
My good friend and Rich Dad Advisor, Tom Wheelwright, has discovered a stimuli in Trump’s plan that can make you thousands. This isn’t an investment, this is literally an incentive written into the tax code that almost anyone can use.
The reason I wanted to tell you about this secret is because I believe the simplest way to financial freedom is through debt and taxes. Normally, only the rich know about these incentives but Tom is willing to teach you exactly how you can take advantage of this stimuli.
You know I’m big on education. Because as your knowledge increases your risk decreases. There is risk when it comes to taxes. Do you ever feel like you’ve overpaid? Or do you ever have to pay a penalty or interest? These risks can be decreased with the right education.
As your knowledge increases, your risk decreases. This is why I say there are no bad investments, just bad investors. Same when it comes to paying your taxes!
Tom says, “You don’t need a trading account. You don’t need a real estate broker. What you need is a clear, detailed understanding of this incredible advantage. You need to know EXACTLY how YOU can use this advantage to get your THOUSANDS.” And he’ll give you short, precise, instructions on how to do so.
“Hi, Rich Dad Advisor Tom Wheelwright here. If my name sounds
familiar it’s probably because I’m the reason that Robert and Kim Kiyosaki pay
almost nothing in taxes, legally!
You see, I used to be a cog in the machinery that kept this faulty
system running and oiled.
I was an A student who graduated from college as a CPA. I was top
of my class and recruited by the biggest tax firm in the word.
I worked tirelessly day in and day out, filling the forms the way
I was told to and teaching my clients in the exact way I was hired to teach
But then a twist of fate changed all that.
One day, I picked up the tax code and started reading it. I could
not believe it! The tax code was nothing like the evil handcuffs of bondage we
were led to believe.
Quite the opposite!
The tax code was FULL of secret advantages.
These advantages made up 90% of the tax code, yet here I was
teaching my clients about the 10% that was taking their money away!
I immediately stopped filling out the forms the way my boss told
me to and started helping my clients make more money than they ever had before!
I started getting more and more clients. It was exciting! Then one
day I received a meeting notice to meet with my boss’s boss. I was very
excited. I was going to show him what I learned so we could make all of our
clients richer. I was going to get promoted and…
Fired! I was fired!
I was teaching things to clients who did not “deserve” to know
these things. I was helping the middle class get the same benefits as the rich.
And for that I was fired.
I had no choice but to start my own firm. It was tough. No one
wanted a CPA who was fired from the largest accounting firm in the nation.
Especially for
being “creative” with taxes.
We’d all been brainwashed that taxes were scary and to be done by
a very conservative, boring, man in glasses and a suit.
But lucky for you I still have a passion to share what I know with
In less than 3 minutes you're going to see exactly how to take
advantage of this hidden advantage and make a few extra thousand dollars (Bare Minimum) with virtually
In fact, this may be the most impressive guarantee I've ever
I can tell you with absolute certainty, that what you're about to
see is the easiest way I've ever discovered for you to make THOUSANDS with no
heavy labor.
If you are self-employed you can benefit.
If you are an investor you can benefit.
If you own a large business you can benefit.
If you are older than 15, YOU can benefit from this
If you have a job you can benefit.
If your household makes more that $24k a year, YOU can
benefit from this advantage.”